Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 3 (12/30/11)

So I started this blog in the middle of the day yesterday, so some of px were taken after the fact, therefore, they dont show the portion size, or the food itself! It will be different from now on tho-I promise! I have also learned that I need to practice taking px on my phone! Some of them are waaay blurry!! I dont usually use my phone camera much, cuz Im never happy w the way the px look, but for this I thought it would be the easiest. Just snap the pic, send it to my email, and I will have it to work on my blog wherever I am! So here goes my first day of photographing my food! (Day 3 of my 'diet' tho)


My iced coffee, that I HAVE to have every morning! It is made with Skim milk, and just a little dribble of flavor!

Ok, so this was the last one of these in the freezer and I knew if I didnt just eat it, it would bug me ALL the time! But, now they're gone-no more temptation!!

Morning Snack:

I had 2 servings of Wheat Thins for my morning snack, which I had at more like lunch time! I took these to work with me, and since I dont eat breakfast til more about 9, Im not real hungry til about 11:30 or so.


This is a Lean Pocket Pretzel Bread Sandwich. It was pretty good, chicken and jalapeno, I believe!

Afternoon Snack:

Add caption
Laughing Cow Cheese and some Crackers-YUM!


This is THE worse pic in the world!! HAHA It is my salad that I ate before even taking any of the main course, which was really fattening tonight!! My salad has tomatoes, avocado, red onion and some carrots, with a fat free Poppy Seed dressing!

This was our horrible main course-delish, yes, full of fat-YES!!! It's called Tostitos Chilli Bake! This is what I took of it, because it's soooooo good, BUT...............

.....I was a good girl and did NOT finish it all!!! I was soooo FULL!! I was (& still am) pretty proud of myself! :)

 Nighttime Snack:


This is one, that I know, I shouldnt do at all, but I am always sooo hungry before bed! Pry just a habbit, but I feel as long as I keep it real healthy, it will be ok! Nutella & banana-LOVE Nutella!!

Water Intake:

I also had a lil extra water, because I finished my last bottle at supper time.

WOOO!!!!! There is my FIRST (third) day! HA-you know what I mean!

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Stats

Ok, so when I weighed myself before starting this, (I'm on day 3 right now, but just got the itch to do a blog about it) I was 202 & I am currently wearing 2 different sizes if jeans, even in the same brand! I have some 9/10's & also a couple 11/12's....Here is my pic that I took for a contest that I am in.

My plan was to start dieting on Jan. 16. I had picked this date because on Jan 7 we are having our twins' 2nd Bday party and knew, since I was making all the food, there would be yummy food!!! And we would have all those leftovers, I was giving myself a chance to enjoy it all before starting. But then I joined a group on Facebook and, on there, there was a contest started where the winner would win $100! No fees to join the challenge, just straight up $100 if you lose the most percentage by Jan. 18th! So there was no waiting til the 16th to start this!!

For this blog, I will taking a pic of everything I eat and posting that, I am a photographer after all!! Doesnt matter if its good or bad food, it will be posted! That is what will help me be more accountable!! I will also be keeping track of my water intake on my phone, at the end of each day, I will post the final pic of that as well!

My goal is to be down to 150 by June 3!! That is 50lbs in 23 weeks!!! Averages out to about 2lbs a week-something that is doable!!! I will most likely start doing Weight Watchers again, as I did last year at this time and lost 30lbs in about 3 months. But to get used to cutting down on my food intake and for this $100 challenge, I am just watching what I eat, and trying to eat only healthy foods. Supper is my weakness tho, as I have a family to cook for, and I dont always cook very healthy-my husband does NOT eat healthy things! LOL So I just cut back on the amount of it I take, and only have one helping. I also usually have a salad or some veggies before I even start on the main course.

Anyway-here goes nothing and this blog is to help keep myself accountable and have some followers that will help me when I need it!